Monday, May 31, 2010

One small step for man... giant leap for me. Today I received the official acceptance and enrollment papers from the university. I have to admit that while I was thrilled to see the package on my desk when I came back from lunch, I was slightly disappointed when I opened it. The actual acceptance letter is a photocopy of a photocopy and along the lines of “to whom it may concern”. Those documents which are actually personalized are “insert name here” types. Oh well, at least it is here. I am pleased as I’ve been eagerly awaiting it as you know. I look forward to reading through the booklet they sent about studying English law at the university. I’ve ready read through the first four chapters on their website but it will be nice to dig into the hard copy. I’ve filled in my enrollment form and fee slip and will shoot them back to the university tomorrow.

Over the weekend I read more in Turpin and Tomkins, finishing the chapter on liberty and then swinging back to start at the beginning. So far so good with the chapters I’ve read. I have also managed to get my hands on a copy of Slapper and Kelly’s English Legal System. I’m rather happy as it is the fresh 10th edition for 2009/2010. Gary Slapper is a professor at the Open University and flipping through the book I can see a lot of similarities with the free law courses that they have online which I did. All in all, I think it’s been a rather successful month for my studies and the blog.


  1. Francis,

    Slapper and Kelly have come out with a new edition for 2010/2011. I ordered it last week. If you would like, I will let you know if there are any substantive differences between the 10th and 11th editions.

  2. Thanks Steve that would be brilliant.
