Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year

Big apologies for the slide in my number of postings at the end of last year. I am going to use the excuse that I was deep deep in studying and could not even be bothered to lift my nose out of the books to eat and drink much less to post a few words here. I will leave it up to you to decide whether this is true or not but I am going to stick with it...

I have actually made a bit of progess in the past couple of months especially in criminal law but there is a strange thing which is slowing me down - a lack of index cards. Sadly it is impossible to get index cards where I live (hard to believe I know but seemingly true). I wanted to use them to make flash cards to study the huge number of accumulating cases. Somehow I got really fixated on this issue and searched high and low for index cards but was unable to find them in any shop or office supply store. Neither was Santa clever enough to find them. So I am left to my own devices to find an old fashioned means to study the cases. Open to suggestions so if you have any good tips please write back and let me know.

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